We take Disaster Recovery planning very seriously.
Surviving in a competitive business environment requires continuous availability of IT systems and data. Unplanned disruptions can severely impact your business and may result in several challenges, from revenue loss to erosion of customer trust. Our experts will work remotely with your current IT Specialists to load, configure and test a recovered system at one of our high bandwidth recovery site facilities. We offer a range of solutions that can be sized to your business needs.
Their DR Strategy
The traditional model is based upon the premise that a company experiencing a disaster would send their best and brightest IT staff to a remote facility to establish a temporary data center, where the affected organization would remotely run their IT operations, while another highly skilled and knowledgeable staff rebuilds the existing facility to take back full operational status. This model essentially sends the strongest IT personnel off to a remote location during a time of great need for the existing business at the affected facility. It also assumes that the remaining staff is of sufficient size and strength to rebuild a new data center. This traditional model also included an annual testing of this plan, exercised again by your company’s best and brightest IT staff at a remote location, while your remaining staff keeps today’s projects and day-to-day operations running at full tilt. This model IT environment does not really exist except in the largest of organizations, flush with funding for extravagant staffing levels.
Our DR Strategy
We have established a new System Recovery offering which leverages the capabilities of our highly experienced staff, combined with robust and highly secured internet communications, to deliver a superior System Recovery service. Datanational’s System Recovery Services provide a highly customized IT Service to load and test a recovered system and establish remote connectivity across the internet for full blown testing of the System Recovery process, while your staff remain in control of day-to-day system operations at their existing locations.
Our experts will work remotely with your current IT Specialists to load, configure and test a recovered system at one of Datanational’s high bandwidth recovery site facilities. Once loaded and established, your users will sign on to the recovered test system from their own location for full system testing through your existing system test scripts. The loading and testing of this remote system is usually completed within one week, but can be extended an additional week without additional charges (to accommodate any unforeseen issues that arise during the system recovery testing procedures). This accommodating approach provides ample time to thoroughly test the recovered system and will provide your company with reassured confidence that a fully functional system will be provided if ever required.
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) which pertains to, the operation of the recovered system after a Recovery Event has taken place, is included. We provide this SLA in our Recovery Services Contracts because your company should have a commitment as to the environment in which their system would operate should they ever need to run a Production System from one of our Recovery locations.
We have the expertise to manage and maintain the globalization of our customers' computer system requirements, providing increased uptime and reliability, while reducing the total cost of managing and monitoring of these systems. We have strategically invested in the business infrastructure to deliver systems, facilities and bandwidth on-demand.